名建築「百段階段」秋の見学会 音声ガイド付チケット
ホテル雅叙園東京「百段階段」(日時指定) - Hotel Gajoen Tokyo [Hyakudan Kaidan], 東京都,
名建築「百段階段」秋の見学会 音声ガイド付チケット
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*We will send an "order confirmation email" after purchase. Please ensure you can receive emails from etix.com.
*Select your visit day on the calendar and your visit time from the available timeslots pull-down menu.
*Once all timeslots are sold out, the day cannot be chosen on the calendar.
■開始時間 Start Times
①11:00~ ②12:00~
③12:30~ ④13:00~
⑤13:30~ ⑥14:00~
⑦14:30~ ⑧15:00~
⑨15:30~ ⑩16:30~