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京都国際マンガミュージアム (Kyoto International Manga Museum)

  September 28, 2024 10:00 AM
中高生: JPY320.00
大人: JPY960.00
小学生: JPY160.00

1, 20名様以上の団体をともなう引率者(2名まで)
2, 外国人をともなうガイドライセンス所持者
3, 旅行代理店などの添乗員、観光バス・タクシーなどの乗務員
4, 障害者手帳を受付でご提示いただいた障がい者の方
5, 上記4の介助者(1名につき1名)
6, 小学生未満のお子様

*You cannot cancel after you have made your purchase. Please review carefully your ticket selection and billing information entered before submitting your order.
*The group tickets will be applied in cases where admission fees are collectively paid for a group of 20 people or more who enter the museum at the same time.  For a group of 19 people or less, please purchase individual tickets.
*Entry fees are waived for the following people, so they are not required to purchase a ticket:

1, Group leaders with a group of 20 paying people or more (up to 2 leaders).
2, Licensed tour guide accompanying foreigners.
3, Tour conductor or travel attendant of a travel agency, etc.
4, People with mobility impairments or cognitive disabilities, as well as atomic bomb survivors (Please provide proof of disability, or bomb survivor designation upon arrival)
5, Aides in attendance of persons falling under the definition of item 4 (1 attendant per person).
6, Children younger than elementary school age

For this sales channel the delivery methods on this performance/package/venue are missing or may have already expired, or the Date of the performance /the Event Begin Date of the package is in the past.