Clackamas County Winter Fair
Clackamas County Event Center, Canby, OR
We are excited to bring you the first Clackamas County Winter Fair. This lighted festival will feature a ¼ mile drive thru experience of the sights and sounds of Christmas. Come see the thousands of lights and the beautiful 100-foot light tunnel. Santa will be at the Winter Fair on select days.Children will be able to wave at Santa and place their letter in his special mailbox! More information at www.CCWinterFair.com
Use the Calandar to select a day you wish to attend, then select a queue up time from the drop down. Use the left and right arrows near the Month heading on the calandar to move change months. The time slot you select is the time range you should arrive to queue up in line to enter the attraction. This is not a gurantee that you will enter the attraction during the slot. Your queue up time slot is a 30 min window.
Santa will appear on November 27th & 28th, December 4th, 5th, 11th, 12th, 18th, 19th, 20th, & 23rd
November 27th - 29th
December 3rd-6th, 10th-13th, 17th-24th, 26th & 27th
Friday and Saturday Nights: 5:00pm - 10:00pm
Other Days 5:00pm - 9:00pm
Prices: (Per car load)
Online Price: (Discounted)
Friday & Saturdays $25.00
Other Days: $20.00 (except nights when Santa will appear)
At the Gate Price: (these are limited & first come first serve)
Friday & Saturdays $30.00
Other Days: $25.00
a. Enter the event in the Blue parking lot off of 3 rd Avenue.
b. Upon arrival have your ticket ready either by phone or printed ticket.
c. Ticket will be scanned once you cross 4th avenue into the Blue Gate.
d. If you choose to have less exposure you may hold up your ticket against window and we can scan without you rolling your window down. (Please have your brightness up on your phone)
e. Tune in to K103 103.3FM for a Holiday sountrack!
f. NO exiting vehicles at any time. All patrons and animals must stay in their vehicle in a legal manner at all times.
g. NO patrons in the back of truck beds.
h. NO oversized vehicles are permitted. Oversized vehicle is anything taller than 8 feet and anything wider than 15 feet.
i. All vehicles must stay on path at all times.
j. You may take photos and videos of portions of the event but we ask you refrain from taping the whole experience or live streaming. We don’t want to ruin the experience for future guests.
k. Talk about us on Social Media use the hashtag #CCWinterFair
l. Restrooms will be in the blue parking lot.
m. Refrain from accelerating or braking quickly, there will be staff onsite and want to keepthem safe.
n. We ask that you do not stop along the path but rather maintain some kind of speed not to exceed 5mph, this will allow all our guests an opportunity to receive the experience.
o. Please no littering along the route, we ask that you keep your trash until your next stop.