FairKids Homeschool SOLD OUT
LA County Fair Groups/Special Promotions, Pomona, CA
The LA County Fair is the world’s largest classroom where there are lessons and discoveries around every corner. The FairStars Field Trip Program allows students and teachers to enjoy an interactive educational experience, or what we call A Day Full of Learning Cleverly Disguised as Fun!
To register for field trip tickets, please use the calendar to select the date you’d like to attend. Once confirming your selection, you will be directed to select the number of student and adult (chaperone) tickets for that date. You will be allotted 1 chaperone ticket per every 5 student tickets purchased.
Parking will be free before 10:45 a.m.
Fair Hours
FairStars Field Trip, early access to educational exhibits of the Los Angeles County Fair is from 9 a.m. -11a.m.
*Full Fair access starting at 11 a.m.
Parking will be free before 10:45 a.m. at gate 9, Blue gate off White Ave