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Gate 54B: October 3-5

Key West International Dance Company, Key West, FL

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Gate 54B is tango with a twist, set at Newark Airport. A storm rages outside, planes are grounded, and the terminal is packed with stranded travelers. Amidst this chaos, a dance floor emerges.
Inspired by a real-life Facebook group where travelers meet up to tango while stuck at airports, Pamela Stephenson Connolly brings this impulse to life. In love with Argentine tango for years, she now channels that energy into this unforgettable show. Eight main characters and a handful of intriguing side stories intertwine, each with their own unique journey.
To start, we see them in different time zones — Tokyo, Key West, Barcelona — preparing for their journeys. They’re not professional tangueros, just passionate social dancers. Their paths cross at Newark, and the airport becomes a stage for life-changing connections. Whether a bride with cold feet, a fugitive trying to escape his past, or an airport janitor dancing with a mop in quiet moments, each character’s story unfolds through movement and projected text messages.
Gate 54B celebrates the serendipitous connections that can emerge from delays, cancellations, and other airport challenges and absurdities. Made from moments of frustration, hilarity, and unexpected kindness, it reflects the human spirit’s resilience and adaptability in the most unlikely of places. Pamela’s direction and staging brilliantly marry the elegance of traditional tango with everyday movements of an airport, transcending the limits of space and time. After seeing all of this, you’ll never experience an airport the same way again.