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If you do not have a Membership for RaueNOW, you may purchase a new one. If you have a Membership but it has expired or is about to expire you may renew it.

Membership Name: RaueNOW

The quantity of Basic must be 1.
Expiration Date: 02-22-2026
This completely tax deductible RaueNow Membership level includes fantastic benefits including 30% off two tickets to every Raue Center and Williams Street Rep performance, access to our Members Only bar, 26 North, and more!
The quantity of Applause must be 1.
Expiration Date: 02-22-2026
The $150 RaueNow Applause Level Membership includes all of the Basic Membership plus tickets for 2 complimentary drinks and more!
Stage Door
The quantity of Stage Door must be 1.
Expiration Date: 02-22-2026
The Stage Door Level includes all of the Basic and Applause level membership benefits, a $50 gift certificate, 4 complimentary drinks per show, and more!
Backstage VIP
The quantity of Backstage VIP must be 1.
Expiration Date: 02-22-2026
RaueNow's Backstage VIP level membership includes all of the benefits from the Basic, Applause and Stage Door levels and 2 tickets to all Williams Street Rep Opening Nights and more!
Starring Role
The quantity of Starring Role must be 1.
Expiration Date: 02-22-2026
Members who lead the way by donating $1,400 or more will unlock Gold Tier benefits and the chance to enjoy the most exclusive benefits Raue Center can provide: 4 complimentary beverages at every show, opportunities to meet with international artists, a plaque in the 26N Members' Lounge, and more!
Director's Chair
The quantity of Director's Chair must be 1.
Expiration Date: 02-22-2026
RaueNow's Director's Chair Membership enjoys all the benefits of the Starring Role membership level, Meet and Greet invitations and more!
Producer's Circle
The quantity of Producer's Circle must be 1.
Expiration Date: 02-22-2026
RaueNow's Producer's Circle enjoys all the benefits from the Starring Role and Director's Chair memberships, Seat Plaque in the theatre, 2 tickets to Raue Center's Stargazers Ball, and more!
Founder's Circle
The quantity of Founder's Circle must be 1.
Expiration Date: 02-22-2026
A RaueNOW Founders Circle Membership is the most elite level we offer and garners every perk the program has to offer throughout both the Silver and Gold Tiers.
Already have a Membership? Click here to renew Membership.