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If you do not have a Membership for Friends of the Centre, you may purchase a new one. If you have an existing Membership but it has expired or is about to expire, please renew your membership to keep your Subscription ID for 2025-26. If you do not know your Subscription ID for Renewal, please contact the Box Office at 919-435-9458 or

To receive a Digital Membership Card with your unique Subscription ID at the time of purchase, please provide a valid Mobile Number.
This Membership uses All-In Pricing. The total price listed includes Membership fees.

Membership Name: Friends of the Centre

The quantity of Friend must be 1.
Date Range: 04-01-2025 ~ 03-31-2026

Friend Level Membership $125 tax-deductible donation.

  • Purchase up to four tickets before they go on sale to the public.
  • Your name displayed on the Renaissance Centre website and on the screen prior to Main Stage performances.
  • To receive a Digital Membership Card with your unique Subscription ID at the time of purchase, please provide a valid Mobile Number.
The quantity of Patron must be 1.
Date Range: 04-01-2025 ~ 03-31-2026

Patron Level Membership $250 tax-deductible donation. 

  • Purchase up to four tickets before they go on sale to the public or the Friends.
  • Your name displayed on the Renaissance Centre website and on the screen prior to Main Stage performances.
  • To receive a Digital Membership Card with your unique Subscription ID at the time of purchase, please provide a valid Mobile Number.
Already have a Membership? Click here to renew Membership.


Friends of the Centre

The Town of Wake Forest has always been a strong supporter of the Renaissance Centre and the arts in general, but our success ultimately depends on the generosity of people like you!

The Renaissance Centre will offer two levels of the Friends of the Centre membership. The Friends of the Centre is a $125 donation and the new Patron level is $250.

Your tax-deductible donation will allow you to purchase up to four tickets before they go on sale to the public. This will give you the opportunity to claim the best seats for upcoming performances that offer reserved seating.

In addition, your name will be displayed as a member of the Friends of the Centre on the Renaissance Centre website and on the screen prior to Main Stage performances.

But that's not all!

Patrons receive all the benefits of our “Friends” level plus 2 complimentary tickets to the performance of your choice.

You can help us “Realize the Possibilities” of our full potential by making your tax-deductible donation today.

Donating is easy! To donate online, click the Donate button below. To donate via check, mail your check to Wake Forest Renaissance Centre, Town of Wake Forest, 301 S. Brooks Street, Wake Forest, NC 27587.

Thank you for your consideration! We look forward to seeing you soon!